Game Instrumentation Support

“We want to ensure that our game products have a reliable data collection & validation process.”

Our Game Instrumentation Support package ensures that as your game evolves, your data collection process is robust, precise, and seamlessly integrated into your development cycle.

Ideal for studios with upcoming product releases or updates and looking to ensure effective, accurate data collection from the get-go.


Player Experience Mapping

We engage with your Game Design and Product teams to fully understand player behaviors, journey flows, and key in-game events that need to be tracked.

Custom Tagging Blueprint

We’ll create a detailed tagging specification that provides your developers with clear, step-by-step guidance on how to set up tracking markers within the game.

Tag Management & Development

Occasionally, some tweaks may need to be done in the TMS to get the right data collection & processing in place. If your project requires this, we’ll handle that too.

QA Testing & Sign-Off

Before your updates goes live, we conduct testing of the tags and data to ensure accuracy and completeness. We don’t sign off until everything is perfect.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our consultants will manage the documentation and QA testing side of things, but we’ll need support from your developers to implement the analytics tracking code in your game product.

Depending on the demands, the monthly retainer can range from £2,500 to £5,000.

Monthly retainer packages can be purchased for 3, 6, or 12 months.

Absolutely, you can combine our packages to suit your business needs at that particular point in time.

All services come with ongoing support where the consultant is available for communication via email, MS Teams/Slack and in-person/video meetings.

Ready to Empower Your Game with Data?

Book a free 1-hour consultation call. Let’s explore how your data can become a key asset in your game development projects.